We Can Find and Rectify Your Electrical Faults

Bright Electrics specialises in identifying and resolving electrical faults. Precision, patience and dogged determination are required to track down frustrating – and potentially hazardous – electrical defects, and we are renowned for our sleuthing skills!

We use the latest diagnostic tools and draw on our established experience and industry knowledge to effectively pinpoint and rectify any problems. We are persistent and diligent in our approach to fault finding, and always 100% committed to resolving the issue to ensure the absolute safety of residents whether in a domestic or commercial setting.

Fault finding services include:

  • Troubleshooting and diagnosis
  • Circuit and wiring inspections
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Emergency fault resolution
  • Safety upgrades

Let Bright Electrics take the lead in throwing light on any electrical faults!

Get in Touch

Email us
07772 903107

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